Build an AI Knowledge Assistant for SecOps
Automate incident response faster and more accurately by creating a custom AI for your security operations.
Build a powerful, proprietary AI for your security team.
Sevii allows you to build custom AI agents that can execute any workflow or decision-making process that a human anaylst can, faster and more accurately. Every node is described in natural language, so there is no technical experience required to get started.
No coding experience required.
Dozens of pre-processed integrations.
No learning curve for development.
Keep analysts sharp with a detailed thought process for each alert.
Sevii outputs a "thought-process" overview for each alert that occurs, outlining the steps that your AI took to investigate each incident. This strengthens your analysts understanding of your environment and improves the processes inside your SOC, all while keeping alert-fatigue low.
Trains human analysts.
Speeds up incident-investigation.
Simple, easy-to-understand UI.
The highest-performing teams in cybersecurity are building their own copilot.